Louisiana takes lead in making abortions illegal

The anti-abortion bill just passed by the Louisiana Legislature successfully by-passes the pro-choice argument that a woman should be able to choose what to do with her own body. The bill does not provide for prosecution of the pregnant woman for killing the baby within her body. It instead calls for prosecution of others who kill or help kill the baby.

Being able to choose what to do with one’s own body has always been the main argument for pro-choice. And there is little else to justify the right of one human being to kill another human being. But it is seldom that a woman performs an abortion of her baby by herself. Others do it.

The ban passed by the legislature would not go into effect until after the U. S. Supreme Court overturns the Roe vs. Wade ruling that states cannot ban abortions or the U. S. Constitution is amended to ban abortions. Many expect the former may occur soon with the new faces on the Supreme Court.

Doctors or others assisting with an abortion could be fined $10,000 or $100,000 and sentenced from 1 to 10 years in prison. This would seriously decimate the abortion business in this country and millions of unborn babies would be saved every year.

A proposed amendment to the bill to exclude abortions in cases where pregnancies were caused by rape or incest was defeated in the Legislature. In those cases, a human life would still be killed in the abortion.

An exception was made in cases where the woman’s life would be lost or life sustaining organs would be permanently impaired. This would amount to cases of self defense since the woman’s life woud be on the line.

Since Gov. Kathleen Blanco has indicated she would not veto the bill, Louisiana will be helping to take the lead in eliminating the biggest form of human destruction in the world today. Hopefully, the new Supreme Court will see it in that light.


About Allen Lottinger 433 Articles
Publisher Emeritus

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