Thank goodness Labor Day is past and summer is over.
It has been one of the worst so-called vacation seasons we have ever experienced in Louisiana, if we want to call it that.
It even outdid most of those that brought stormy hurricanes right to our coastline and doorsteps in some years.And we also had some other activities we don’t usually experience.
Shootings were rampant beginning with that of the shooting of a black man by police on July 5 after a struggle at a Baton Rouge convenience store that brought about protests around the country.
That was followed by the July 17 shooting of six Baton Rouge police officers in revenge which left three of them dead that added to the nationwide attention given our capitol city.
And then a rainy weekend storm covering a great portion of our state left flooding that displaced thousands of homeowners and ended up killing 13 people.
So the backyard barbecues were replaced by clean up of messes that destroyed millions of dollars worth of property.
And the work is still going on and threatens to last a good while longer.
After suffering through many days of ugly language in the presidential campaign underway this year, we closed in on our opinion that this has been one of the most unenjoyable summers the great state of Louisiana has ever suffered through.
We hope Labor Day turns the tide to much better things to come.
Louisiana is usually a wonderful state to be in during the summer despite somewhat warm weather.
There are so many productive things to do here such as fishing and other outdoor activities that our state can provide a wide availability of enjoyment in.
Let’s face it – we live in a state that usually provides four seasons filled with a lot of enjoyable activities ties during the year to its citizens.
But the year 2016 has not been one of them.
Let’s hope it improves during the fall and winter months this year and we don’t have to experience it again in the future.
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