Come on, Hillary & Donald … be nice

This has been an unusual year and not a very good one, to say the least.

We have had a great deal of horror from terror activities and other anomalies in the way people are living at home and

Even the happenings of nature have not been favorable to the world with Louisiana having just undergone one of the worst storms ever experienced, even including hurricanes. And the wild west has been burning with forest fires threatening to trim all vegetation from the scenery.

Meanwhile, guess what’s going to happen next? We have a presidential election coming up that threatens to be one of the ugliest shows in the world of politics. It has already begun along that track.

With Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump launching their usual verbiage during three presidential debates,  beginning Sept. 26, and in other interviews, how can we keep our voters as loyal citizens when the candidates toss out so much trashy criticism of their opponents for everyone to hear? It will mean we do not respect each other anymore, we do not have goodwill in our political system and we are going the way other countries have swayed when their citizens lost their feeling of goodwill.

What would Hillary and Donald say if we asked them to be kind and soft spoken about each other regardless of what they have to say except in cases where what they have to say has been proven accurate and they do not make too big an issue over it. And they could be requested to concentrate on saying what they plan to do to make our country greater and avoid specifying how their opponent will make it a sad place in which to live.

Come on, politicians. Let’s turn this campaign into a brighter show toward the end.

Hillary – say something nice about Donald. Be appropriate with your criticisms, not ugly, and offer him a way out if there is one available. And likewise, Donald, you’re not a liberal politician we know but you can be liberal to Hillary sometimes when it puts a good feeling into the political arena and help create that great country you keep talking about. And if you make good points with kind words to your opponent, you will deserve some favor from the voters for your honesty.

So let’s lessen up on the bad words and criticisms in our campaigns, candidates. Use them whenever they are necessary to set the voters straight but don’t use them just to make them look bad. Play it straight from the mind and heart like a good politician should and, yes, let’s make America great again.


About Allen Lottinger 433 Articles
Publisher Emeritus

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