BOUTTE – The Hahnville High School softball team will host their “Softball with Santa” camp for girls, ages 7 to 13, Dec. 29 through Dec. 31 from 9 a.m. to noon at the HHS softball complex.
The camp will cover pitching, hitting, infield and outfield fundamentals, game strategies and actual game time activities.
Campers will receive a camp shirt that can be worn to any Hahnville softball home game and entry fee will be $1. All skill levels are welcome. Parents are encouraged to participate the final day of camp for Game Day. The cost of the camp is $50 if pre-registered by Dec. 22. The cost is $60 the day of the camp.
Please make checks payable to Hahnville Softball Dugout Club and mail it along with your child’s Name, Age, Shirt Size, Parent Contact Information and medical conditions of camper (if any) to: Hahnville High School, 200 Tiger Drive, Boutte, LA 70039, Attn: George Bode, Softball Coach.
For further information you may contact Coach Bode at 985-758-7537 or 985-331-9719.
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