Bosses – why not give workers a day off to help rebuild N.O.? It’s a good thing!

UP WITH PEOPLE will climax “Volunteer New Orleans” week March 11 with a concert at McAllister Auditorium at Tulane University. External relations coordinator Kevin Abernathy (left in picture) was a guest at the St. Charles Rotary Club meeting explaining the activities that will take place including daily volunteer initiatives and community events.

Employers in the area are asked to give employees a day off with pay to participate in the volunteer work to help rebuild homes in the area and other projects.

Up With People, a 60-member group, was formed during the Vietnam War and has continued to promote peace and volunteer work following natural disasters.

Proceeds from the production will benefit Habitat for Humanity, New Orleans City Park and Volunteers of America. More information is available at With Abernathy is Steve Sawyer, vice president of public and government affairs with Cox Communications, a sponsor of ”Volunteer New Orleans.”


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