Valero, Pontchartrain Conservancy plant 750 cypress trees
Over 40 volunteers took to the St. Charles Parish wetlands this month to plant 750 cypress trees. […]
Over 40 volunteers took to the St. Charles Parish wetlands this month to plant 750 cypress trees. […]
Lake Pontchartrain recently plummeted nearly three feet on July 23, allowing students to walk on the dunes that emerged in the water. “I’ve never seen it in my lifetime in the summer,” said Milton Cambre, […]
Congress has approved four years after okaying the funding for a $760 million hurricane protection levee to protect the east bank of St. John the Baptist Parish and parts of neighboring St. Charles and St. James parishes from storm surges that could be caused by the so-called 100-year storm or a hurricane with a one percent chance of coming up any year. […]
St. Charles and St. John the Baptist Parishes have received an okay for $760 million federal funding needed to build levees that will protect the east bank of both parishes when storms swell the waters in Lake Pontchartrain in the future. It is part of a larger $2.6 billion supplemental spending bill. […]
By the mid-1980s, gas prices were at record lows as foreign oil flooded the marketplace and Louisiana, having collected millions in severance taxes during the preceding decade, was now facing massive budget deficits. […]
As Val Harmon prepared for a Sunday hangout at his house he took a moment to watch a helicopter fly into a nearby marsh and then heard “a crack and a bang … then hush quiet.” […]
Work has begun on Gulf South Pipeline’s promised $2 million drainage upgrades agreed to as part of Entergy’s gas compressor station. […]
Valero St. Charles Refinery announced a $17,000 donation to the Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation (LPBF). […]
With a cast of his fishing line, Danny Simoneaux explained he was on his second day of fishing at the Bonnet Carre’ Spillway and pleased with the 30 catfish he caught in the area. […]
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