St. Marks celebrates Divine Mercy Sunday with levee procession

A Divine Mercy Celebration was held on Sunday at St. Mark’s Church in Ama by Father Joseph Dau Van Nguyen. Jesus told St. Faustina that this Feast of Mercy would be a very special day when “all the divine floodgates through which graces flow are opened.” The afternoon started off with confessions; a Rosary followed by the Divine Mercy Chaplet sung by David Young and Hilda Hurtel with the congregation in response. Mass was celebrated with beautiful music by Tim Firmin and his daughter Renny Palmisano who sang with her husband on the keyboard. This was followed with a procession on the levy, and Benediction back at the church.

Father Van Nguyen led a procession with the Monstrance under a canopy. Merrill Whitaker carried the cross, Herbert Poche carried the Chalice and Percy Weber carried the incense. Canopy carriers were Daryl Marse, Pete Cancienne, Glen DeRoche and Baris Cloudet. Adoration Chapel coordinator Randy Caire read the litanies during the procession.

Chapel committee members who orchestrated this special event included Mary Robert, Cathe Mustacchia, Randy and Debbie Caire, Elaine Ayo, and Ernestine Kappel.

Adoration chapel members later gathered at the Father Cote Community Center for a pot luck supper organized by Dot Friloux, Shirley Weber, Elaine Barnes and Angel Haydel.

The St. Mark’s Adoration Chapel in Ama has been in existence since 1989 and always welcomes new adorers. Anyone is invited to visit the chapel, which is open 24 hours a day.


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