Religion in the news

Did Justices’ Catholicism Play Part in Abortion Ruling?

Is it significant that the five Supreme Court justices who voted to uphold the federal ban on a controversial abortion procedure also happen to be the court’s Roman Catholics? – The Washington Post

Abortion Ruling Sets New State Battle Lines

Prompted by the U.S. Supreme Court’s approval this month of a federal ban on a medical procedure known as partial-birth abortion, activists on both sides of the abortion battle are aiming their sights at state capitols, where new campaigns already are under way. –

God, War & the Presidency

American war leaders have been counting on divine intervention since Washington’s nearly vanquished Army escaped the British under cover of a providential fog the summer of 1776. – Newsweek

In Turkey, Fear About Religious Lifestyle

Secular Turks fear that Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan plans to impose Islamic law on Turkey. – The New York Times

Elizabeth Edwards Joins Abortion Rights Advocate

Elizabeth Edwards said Monday her husband will do more to help women than any other candidate, including the one hoping to become the nation’s first female president. – Associated Press


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