
Yes, there are a number of things to be thankful for this Thanksgiving Day.

It appears we will complete the hurricane season with hardly a blow to our land. We needed such a recuperation period from storms which in recent years have been the most destructive our nation has endured.

And we have accomplished a lot this year in cleaning up our Gulf from the recent oil spill. As bad as it was, it could have been much worse, allowing more oil to seep into our wetlands. It would have been much more difficult to put  them back into production as the nation’s number one producer of commercial fish.

Our seafood industry suffered little damage through the oil spill and we can continue to enjoy the treasures of the sea at our dinner tables this Thanksgiving Day, along with turkey, of course.

After much lambasting among candidates on the political front, things have calmed down as they should in a democracy when the people have spoken their minds on the issues. Hopefully, this will exist through the rest of  President Obama’s term so we can continue our nation’s course to solve world problems.

The international scene is relatively peaceful compared to other years and our President seems to be pursuing goals that will help bring nations together for a more unified globe without terrorism and other acts of war.

Everything’s not perfect, as you can tell from above. But we give thanks for what we have and the ability to pursue the course that will let people provide productive lives for themselves and their children.


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