Residents can benefit from Community Ed

In St. Charles Parish, education is not just for children. It is for all of those adults as well who want to continue their education after graduation in fields that can help them improve the way they live as well as offering them ways to earn a better living.

Community Education has been a big part of our educational system for many years. It offers adults who have already completed their regular schooling opportunities to learn how to broaden their skills and knowledge in special fields that are not regularly taught in the classroom.

Take, for example, a resident who has a plot of ground behind his home. Through Community Education, he can learn how to grow a garden that can produce vegetables for the dinner table with information on when and where and how they grow best. And this could be an introduction for many into a farming business in later life.

And there are many other ways one can learn to lead a better and more interesting life in St. Charles through Community Education classes. New classes have been added this year to broaden the program even more than in the past.

The program is not intended to give recipients an extensive education on particular subjects. Class hours are not that long. But they serve well as introductions to subjects that could be extended through other classes at a later date.Community Education is part of the overall education program that St. Charles Parish has been a leader in for years. And it is a part that adults can benefit from long after leaving the classrooms of their youth.

Deadline for signing up is Aug. 30 and those who register by Aug. 16 will receive a discount. Classes will begin on Sept. 16.

Sign up now and you may become involved in a subject that could benefit your life extensively in the future. It has happened many times before.


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