Kyle Bergeron’s legacy is a good one

The sad and tragic death of Kyle Bergeron after his long and courageous battle with leukemia is heartbreaking, and our thoughts and prayers are certainly with his mother, Vicki, father, Charles and twin brother, Logan. They fought for and with frail Kyle through the ups and downs of an 18-month cancer battle until he passed away peacefully in his sleep on Dec. 30 in a Gulf-front motel room overlooking the beach that he loved

But even though the friendly teenager with the ready smile and big, big heart has gone to a better place, he won’t soon be forgotten by those who knew him, and many who didn’t.

Because as Kyle waited for the miracle that would save his life –  the miracle that didn’t arrive for reasons that clearly are beyond human reckoning –  friends and strangers alike stood and delivered the only thing they could: the unconditional, “I’m not asking for anything back” kind of love that this old world so often seems to lack.

Hundreds of men, women and children sent cards and letters, donated blood and money – all in the name of goodness for goodness’ sake … and for a kid who deserved all the healing, loving thoughts and prayers we could muster.

A large part of Kyle’s legacy, we believe, was to bring out the good in people who found a reason in their hearts to reach out to a young man and his family when they needed it the most. Thank you, Kyle.

We won’t soon forget you – or how you made us part of your short but special life. And thank you, people of St. Charles Parish, for reminding us that in a rough and tumble world, even when things are desperate, or bleak, there always are people who care.


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