Best way to live is to LOVE

It’s amazing how a four-letter word on signs can be played up as a primetime news item on national television networks, and this particular news item came from right here in Louisiana.

The word that occupied 350 signs nailed on utility poles and other visible spots throughout New Orleans was “LOVE.” That’s it – L-O-V-E.

It means only one thing, which most of us understand. But why all of a sudden are we perplexed by a word that in the past has seldom been tacked on street corners for everyone to read all by itself?

There are two guys, we understand, who put up the signs apparently to inflict a feeling among the people of how they are supposed to live. We take it to mean love your neighbor as yourself.

This could be a great beginning to a new era that will bring about a vast increase in appreciation by people of their neighbors’ importance regardless of how close they are to them. Imagine if we could see that word hanging on a telephone pole and then look down and see a person we have never much admired and then he looked at the same sign and saw us in similar fashion. What a change in attitude could be accomplished.

Somebody evidently got a good idea to help improve the well-being of the world. There are no bad aspects in the word love. It means to respect everyone since there are no exceptions to the command.

And if everyone loved everyone else, what a wonderful world this would be. There would be no crime, no warfare, no bitterness, no hatred. There would only be good in this world as prescribed by most religions.

Isn’t that what we want? We need to pursue what those signs say with great deliberation that would make us live our lives in a far better way.

So let’s turn a souring world into a loving one that can make all of us happy to be with one another. It’s the message we have all been awaiting.

Let’s go tell our neighbors and others in our country that the four-letter word is what we need. Volumes of books could not tell it any better. Let’s spread the message around the world, especially in the Middle East, so we can have a peaceful and loving earth in which to enjoy our futures.

Whoever came up with such a simple sign came up with a wonderful message. Take it to heart and we will all live better hereafter.

And do your part by putting up a sign in your neighborhood for all to see. LOVE. It can’t be any simpler than that.


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