Young adults missing from planning study

Although the results of St. Charles Parish’s Community Vision Forums won’t be tallied for another week, officials can say that there’s one age group they’re still trying to reach.

“We didn’t request age, racial or gender information for citizens who signed into the meetings, but I would say that the average range was 40 to 60 years of age,” said Kim Marousek, planning and zoning director for the parish. “By a visual scan of participants, it appeared that our lowest turnout were residents 20 to 40 years old.”

In seven meetings strategically held in communities around the parish, residents were given the opportunity to voice their concerns regarding the future of the parish and what they’d like to see in the year 2030.

Marousek says that her department is hoping that the younger residents will take advantage of the online survey.

“We’d like to see these individuals go online and fill out the visioning questions at our Web site,, or on the Facebook page for St. Charles 2030,” she said. “We have tried multiple venues to submit comments understanding that not everyone is available in the evenings to attend public meetings. The Web page will be open through Sept. 4.”

Getting representation, rather than demographic information, was Marousek’s main concern.

“We wanted to hear from all of the communities,” she said. “In the future we will hold more public forums throughout the process.”

Interested residents in need of additional information or those who would like a presentation conducted at their civic or community group should contact Marousek to schedule a time.

“We’ll also be working closely with our citizen steering committee to further engage the community,” she added.
Marousek can be reached at 985-783-5060.


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