Grabs patron and tries to put weapon to his head
A man was recently arrested for entering a St. Rose restaurant and bar and threatening a patron with a gun.
Pablo Villa, 51, of 243 Johnson St., St. Rose, allegedly walked into Eddie’s RBD – Restaurant, Billiards and Daiquiris and placed a sum of money on a game table.
“He then got agitated and pulled a gun,” said St. Charles Sheriff’s Office spokesman Pat Yoes. “He grabbed someone and tried to put a gun to his head.”
The man that Villa allegedly grabbed was able to get away and others in the bar tackled Villa and freed the gun from his grasp.
“He didn’t fire at anyone, thankfully,” Yoes said.
Villa was charged with aggravated assault with a firearm, illegal carrying of weapons, possession of a firearm without obligatory identification number and possession of a firearm on premises of an alcoholic beverage outlet.He was released from prison on bond.
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