New outpatient chemotherapy and infusion center and caring suite MRI now open at St. Charles Parish Hospital

St. Charles Parish Hospital recently held two ribbon cutting ceremonies celebrating the completion of the hospital’s new outpatient chemotherapy and infusion center and caring suite MRI within the Schoenberg Outpatient Diagnostic Center.

“We are thrilled to have these spaces to serve our patients as we continue offering high-quality care close to home,” SCPH CEO Keith Dacus said. “We hope each space will promote a sense of tranquility, comfort and healing as care is being administered.”

The new SCPH outpatient chemotherapy and infusion center offers a place for patients to continue to receive infusion services within the parish. Services include chemotherapy, immunotherapy, blood transfusion, iron infusions, hydration, antiemetic therapy, pain management, injections, gastrointestinal disorders, and autoimmune disorders.

Installed with the latest technology, Dacus said the caring suite MRI is optimized to reduce patient anxiety with the wide bore design, lighting, interior décor, scenery, and music.

Because patients may face barriers to care when dealing with disease or illness, Dacus said SCPH strives to meet patients where they are and provide exceptional care close to home. These facilities, he said, are a way SCPH continues to expand access to care for local patients in part due to the bond referendum passed by the residents of the parish.


About Monique Roth 919 Articles
Roth has both her undergraduate and graduate degree in journalism, which she has utilized in the past as an instructor at Southeastern Louisiana University and a reporter at various newspapers and online publications. She grew up in LaPlace, where she currently resides with her husband and three daughters.

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