Party like you’re 200: Bicentennial begins

St. Charles Parish celebrates its birthday this weekend and Corey Faucheux, director of economic development and tourism invites residents to share in this historic event. The official “Bicentennial Birthday Party” will be held on March 31, at 1:00 p.m. at the St. Charles Parish Courthouse, 15045 River Road in Hahnville.

The program will include parish residents dressed in period costume portraying the roles of significant historical figures.

In the courthouse lobby there will be an unveiling of historical religious documents and a Bicentennial Memorial, which will thereafter remain at the courthouse.

Historical exhibits will be displayed by the St. Charles Historical Foundation to remember Michael Hahn, founder of Hahnville.

Vintage hats, games, and exhibits will be provided by the St. Charles Museum and Historical Association.

Rare maps and documents from the clerk of court’s office will be displayed for viewing.

The Community Chorus, the Des Allemands Cajun Dancers, the Mardi Gras Chorus and Blanch Newsome will perform.

There will be a magician and lots of balloons.

Those in attendance will all be asked to join in singing ‘Happy Birthday’ before eating cake and ice cream.

Before 1807, St. Charles Parish was known as the County of the German Coast of the Territory of Orleans.

On March 31, 1807, the elected legislative council divided the Territory of Orleans into nineteen civil parishes.

St. Charles Parish was one of the original 19 parishes created from this territory which makes it 200 years old.


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