St Charles Parish would lose in levee consolidation, they claim
Both Councilman “Snookie” Faucheux and Representative Ernest Wooten told the Republican Women of St. Charles that we would lose money if we consolidated into one levee board like the “women of the storm” are proposing, so “don’t be fooled by the Boasso bill.”
“We’re gonna fight Boasso’s bill because he’s trying to force something down our throats that we don’t believe.” Wooten said the other day. When he was in New Orleans he walked up to the uptown ladies who were actively fighting for the Boasso Bill, and asked them, “what are you ladies doing? What is this?” One of them told him, “we’re for reform.” Wooten asked them “but what does it (the bill) do?” He said at the Tuesday night meeting, “when you get in a fight you have to know what you are fighting for. And we’re gonna need your help to beat it (the bill).” He said that Walter Boasso wants to take the money and credit that St. Charles Parish has built up, and put its assets in New Orleans where there is a need. Wooten says the west bank has nothing to do with flooding New Orleans.
Councilman Faucheux said our levee district should stand alone because we can maintain our levees with local funding. He says we have continually fought at the federal level for our money. He thinks we should support the Pontchartrain levee district as is and the Lafourche levee basin.There is also the Sunset and Bayou Gauche. St. Charles Parish is concerned with all three levee boards.
And yes, the levee boards are political so citizens have to see that responsible people get on those boards, says Wooten. He also mentioned that President Bush has disappointed him in the last couple of months but he shudders to think what it would have been like if someone like John Kerry had been president. He knows President Bush has something up his sleeve for St. Charles and its need for levee protection.
Wooten said that Kathleen (Blanco) is a very nice lady that he has known for 35 years but she was overwhelmed. But after three days he thinks somebody needed to take the bull by the horns and says it still didn’t get done, that she’s just appointing committees.
The 64-year-old Wooten was asked why he switched from democrat to republican.He says that the timing was right. His father would have turned over in his grave…but as it was his grave washed away in Plaquemines parish and since he’s conservative and pro life he made the switch at 63.
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