Literacy assessment ranks St. Charles Parish kindergartners, first graders No 1. in state

St. Charles Parish kindergarteners and first graders ranked No. 1 in the state in literacy skills, with 71 percent of students testing at or above benchmark on a literacy screening called the Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills last school year. Kindergarteners and first graders increased their scores by 23 percent from August 2023 to April 2024.

Of the 69 traditional public school systems in the state, St. Charles Parish second graders ranked No. 2 and third graders ranked No. 5 in the literacy assessment. Statewide, DIBELS scores averaged 56.4 percent of kindergarteners testing at or above benchmark and 59.3 percent of first graders testing at or above benchmark.

Students who perform at or above benchmark are considered proficient and on track to becoming fluent readers, according to the 2023-2024 Louisiana Department of Education Spring Reading Report.

Erin Granier, assistant superintendent of curriculum, instruction and assessment, said she attributes St. Charles Parish schools’ success in early literacy to a student-centered approach that supports diverse learners and uses effective interventions.

“This commitment to literacy excellence has empowered our students to achieve strong reading skills, setting them up for future academic success,” Granier said.

Granier said the screening tool helps teachers identify students at risk for reading difficulties, pinpointing specific areas where a student may be struggling and enabling targeted interventions.

Granier said that if parents or guardians are concerned with their child’s literacy skills, they should meet with their child’s teacher and school administration, review the screening results, and schedule regular check-ins with teachers. Reading and discussing books at home can also help children make progress in reading skills.

“We encourage families to take an active role in their child’s education and to partner with us in fostering a love for reading and learning,” Granier said.

The DIBELS is given to kindergarten through sixth grade students three times a year: the fall, winter and spring. All state public school systems were required to screen students on the DIBELS screening beginning in the fall of 2023. The screening measures things like letter naming fluency, word reading fluency, and oral reading fluency.