Disaster & recovery plan ready to roll

Schools have been working on it for almost two years

Hurricane season is upon Louisiana once again and the St. Charles Parish School Board are crossing the t’s and dotting the i’s on their hurricane disaster preparedness and recovery plan, a work that has been in constant progress since the storm hit nearly two years ago.

Assistant Superintendent Larry Sesser brought the subject before the board at the June 4 committee meeting to review where the board is in the hurricane plan and what needs work, and who does what in the case of an emergency.

“During a hurricane we have a crew of four that stays,” Sesser said. “We also have agreements with East Baton Rouge and Port Allen High Schools to use their schools if something happens here.”

The plan outlines what steps have been taken to improve preparedness and recovery including phones for board members, a web server backup, and community bulletin boards to provide updated information.

In addition, the board has a recovery team ready in the case of an evacuation that includes school superintendents, Instruction and assessment comptrollers and technology service employees of the school.

Sesser said the team would meet in Dallas, Texas and establish an out-of district command center to further along the recovery process while losing as little time as possible.

School board member John Smith asked Sesser if any of the stay-behind crew were placed on school grounds during the storm but found that’s a liability waiting to happen.

“They can stay in the EOC. Last time they stayed in the St. Rose fire station,” Sesser said. “Nobody stays in the school buildings. There’s just too much glass.”


Questions? Comments? Email staff writer Caleb Frey at calebf@heraldguide.com.


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