New books are waiting for you in your St. Charles Parish libraries
Adult Fiction
1. Bungalow 2 by Danielle Steel.
2. Calibre by Ken Bruen.
3. The Devil’s Labyrinth: A Novel by
John Saul.
4. Drop Dead Beautiful by Jackie
5. High Noon by Nora Roberts.
6. Killer Weekend by Ridley Pearson.
7. Secret Story by Ramsey Campbell
8. Slim Chance by Peter Helton.
9. The Tale of Cuckoo Brow Wood: The
Cottage Tales of Beatrix Potter by Susan Wittig Albert.
10. What Matters Most by Luanne Rice.
11. You Could Do Better by Stephanie Lehmann
Adult Non-Fiction
1. The Boatbuilder’s Apprentice: The Ins and Outs of Building Laps trake, Carvel, Stitch-and-Glue, Strip-Planked, and Other wooden Boats by Greg Rossel.
2. Ceramic & Stone Tile: Select, Install, Maintain: Ceramic, Stone, Glass, Mosaic, Porcelain.
3. Heal Your Aching Back: What a Harvard Doctor Wants You to Know About Finding Relief & Keeping Your Back Strong by Jeffrey N. Katz.
4. Natural Timber Frame Homes: Building with Wood, Stone, Clay, and Straw by Wayne J. Bingham.
5. The Pantry: Its History and Modern Uses by Catherine Seiberling Pond.
6. Prefabulous: The House of Your Dreams, Delivered Fresh From the Factory by Sheri Koones.
7. Real Estate Debt Can Make You Rich by Steve Dexter.
8. Tea Party: 20 Themed Tea Parties with Recipes for Every Occasion, From Fabulous Showers to Intimate Gatherings by Tracy Stern.
9. Trim Carpentry: Plan, Design, Install by Neal Barrett.
10. Ultimate Guide to Google Adwords Advertising: How to Access 100 Million People in 10 Minutes by Perry Marshall.
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