Women – put YOUR man to the test

Does your guy do his share of the housework? Take our quiz and find out

BOUTTE – Men say they do housework and lots of it but more often than not, the women in their lives will tell you that’s a bunch of baloney. That’s the word from a leading cleaning expert who points out that survey after survey shows guys almost always claim to do more work around the house than women are willing to give them credit for.

“Even when the man thinks he’s doing his share, you can bet your bottom dollar he isn’t,” housecleaning-king Don Aslett, author of the fascinating book, Who Says It’s a Woman’s Job to Clean?, tells the Herald-Guide.

“The fact is, most men haven’t the faintest idea how much work in involved in housecleaning.”

Aslett, of Pocatello, Idaho, developed the quiz that follows to help men and women determine once and for all who’s really doing the work around the house.

Take it to find out where you stand. Men go first. Then it’s the women’s turn.

Have fun, and DO be sure to show the quiz to friends and co-workers so they can enjoy it, too.


Men: Answer each of the 20 questions below using this Point System: 5-Always. 3-Sometimes. 1-Rarely. 0-Never.

Women, when your guy finishes the quiz, it’s your turn to rate HIM using the same Point System. When finished, total the score he gave himself and the score you gave him.

If the numbers don’t match, talk it over. Who knows? You might wind up with a happier home because of it.

1. I put my own stuff away.

2. I dust.

3. I vacuum.

4. I sweep or mop floors.

5. I make my own bed.

6. I change the sheets.

7. I hang up my wet towel after I shower.

8. I clean the bathroom.

9. I clean up after my between-meal snacks.

10. I cook meals.

11. I set the table.

12. I wash and dry the dishes and put them away.

13. I do the laundry.

14. I hang up my clothes if they’re still clean enough to wear.

15. I clean out my pockets, turn my socks and clothes right side out before I dump them in the hamper.

16. I iron my shirts.

17. I take out the garbage without being asked.

18. I fix/mend broken things around the house.

19. I run my own errands.

20. I pack my own suitcases.


0-19: You should be ashamed of yourself, or living with your mother – or both.

20-34: There’s hope for you but, let’s face it – you’re still an underachiever.

35-59: You’re perfectly and completely average.

60-89: Your lady is lucky to have you. Are you perfect? Nope – but you’re close.

90-100: Are you SURE you aren’t stretching the truth? Go back and answer all the questions again, and this time, don’t fudge your answers!


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