Speak with Authority 4-18-2007

Herald-Guide vocabulary builder

Experts agree that when you learn a new word, your world becomes a bigger and more interesting place.

Just read the vocabulary words below and choose the correct definition from the three choices that we give you.

Watch out – two are completely bogus.

Check your answers at the end of column.

Ready? Let’s go!

1. Ingratiate: a) Alienate b) Mortify c) Acceptance

2. Interloper: a) Agianst b) Meddler c) Grant

3. Intrinsic: a)Immanent b) External c) Outward

4. Inveigh: a) Rail b) Acclaim c) Glorify

5. Lassitude: a) Energy b) Fatigue c) Animation

6. Millennium: a) Doomsday b) Judgement c) Chiliad

7. Occult: a) Mundane b) Esoteric c) Public


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