Ama man’s Super Bowl video goes viral

Stills from Brad Brevelle's Super Bowl halftime show reenactment.

When Jessy Brevelle decided to video her husband Brad’s Super Bowl halftime show reenactment Sunday night, she never expected it to be seen by as many people as it has.

“When I was filming I thought he was hilarious, but I was trying not to laugh,” Jessy said. “I didn’t want to be louder than the music … I failed. I couldn’t hold it in. Brad is too funny. I still can’t believe it went viral. We were just being silly.”

Brad, who was rooting for Tampa Bay in the big game, said he and Jessy were at first just passively watching the halftime show.

“We were watching it and my wife was waiting to hear that song she likes,” Brad said of The Weeknd’s “Blinding Lights.” “After it was over with, I was like, ‘Are you kidding me? That was it? I could do that.’”

Jessy and Brad Brevelle

When Jessy told Brad to go ahead and perform if he was so confident he could, he sprung into action and started gathering his props.

“We had some little hurricane lights left over from the last storm and she had a red scarf and I had some brand new underwear I had never worn that I put on my head,” Brad said laughing. “She filmed it with my phone and I put it on my Facebook. It took off pretty quickly … I guess there’s something about a fat white guy with rhythm.”

Jessy said she and Brad posted the video to Facebook to make their friends laugh.

“A couple of friends asked us to make it public so they could share it, and now here we are,” Jessy said.

Just 24 hours after the video was initially posted, it had already garnered over 45,000 shares.

“I’m glad it took off the way it did,” Brad said. “99.9 percent of the comments were people just laughing and thinking it was hilarious. I wasn’t expecting it … but with everything going on right now with politics and division and all that I’m just happy it made everyone laugh and put all of that to the side. If it takes me putting a pair of underwear on my head and jumping around like a fool, I’ll do it.”

Jessy said she found the video hilarious but was still surprised by the popularity of it.

“I could not stop laughing when he put the lights over his eyes – that is my favorite part,” she said. “It’s just important to remember to have fun. You can’t be serious all the time … laugh and enjoy your life. We would also like to add that our kitten was not traumatized by the dance moves. Her name is Kit, and she is also enjoying all the attention.”


About Monique Roth 919 Articles
Roth has both her undergraduate and graduate degree in journalism, which she has utilized in the past as an instructor at Southeastern Louisiana University and a reporter at various newspapers and online publications. She grew up in LaPlace, where she currently resides with her husband and three daughters.

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