Nifty $5 for YOUR jokes and riddles


A young woman was taking an afternoon nap. After she woke up, she told her husband, “I just dreamed that you gave me a pearl necklace for Valentine’s day. What do you think it means?”

“You’ll know tonight.” he said.

That evening, the man came home with a small package and gave it to his wife.

Delighted, she opened it–only to find a book entitled The meaning of Dreams.


A blind man with a seeing-eye dog at his side walks into a grocery store.

The man walks to the middle of the store, picks up the dog by the tail, and starts swinging the dog around in circles over his head.

The store manager, who has seen all this, thinks this is quite strange.

So, he decides to find out what’s going on.

The store manager approaches the blind man swinging the dog and says, “Pardon me. May I help you with something.”

The blind man says, “No thanks. I’m just looking around.”


Q: Why do birds fly South?

A: Because it’s too far to walk.

Q: What does a proud computer call his little son?

A: A microchip off the old block.

If you’ve got a funny or riddle of your own to share, you can be our next Herald-Guide winner. All you have to do is submit your favorites to our weekly $5 Jokes and Riddles Contest. Each week, Herald-Guide editors will choose the funniest joke or best riddle from all entries.

Send your entries to or post to: $5 Jokes and Riddles, P.O. Box 1199, Boutte, LA 70039


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