Keep your dog or cat safe with these Halloween tips

A pack of ghosts and goblins at your door can scare your pets, but ghouls are not the only thing to beware of on Halloween. Here are five tips you must know to keep your pet safe this Halloween:

1. Beware of unsafe holiday decorations. Wires and electrical cords are an invitation to your teething pets or those who just like to chew on whatever is available. Use a cord container to prevent wires from being gnawed. Also, avoid dangling decorations that your pet may become tangled in.

2. Carving a pumpkin is fun – but placing a candle inside of it may be hazardous to your pet. Candles are easily knocked over and can burn wagging tails, paws and noses. So forget the candle and use a glow stick or battery-operated tea light instead.

3. Keep your bowl of candy up and away from your pets’ reach. Most people know that dogs and cats shouldn’t have candy – especially chocolate, which is toxic, but even the candy wrappers can be hazardous if swallowed. So remember, no matter how much your pet begs for a sweet, no sharing.

4. Before the trick-or-treaters begin, take your dog on a nice long walk. The exercise will help her relax later. Make sure she’s on leash during her walk in case you encounter any early trick or treaters. Dogs can easily be “spooked” by costumes, especially those with little people in them.

5. While most pets prefer to go au-naturel – some seem to enjoy dressing-up. If your pet will be in costume for Halloween, make sure it’s safe and comfortable. Always avoid masks or any other costume parts that might impair his or her vision, hearing or breathing.


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