Herald-Guide Exclusive CANCER PREVENTION Interview Excerpt

‘Louisiana has higher than national death rates in all cancers, with the Top 4 Cancers for us being lung cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer and prostate cancer. For the record, African Americans have much higher death rates than Caucasians in all cancers, both in Louisiana and nationally,” says Dr. Heli Roy, LSU AgCenter expert.

‘Regardless of the type of cancer, a cancer prevention diet would include a large variety of fruits and vegetables, particularly green and brightly colored fruits and vegetables.

‘In addition, for breast cancer prevention, reducing intake of saturated and trans fats is beneficial. Shifting to mono- and polyunsaturated fats is healthier, as is reducing the total amount of fat.

‘For preventing colorectal cancer, increasing the intake of foods high in fiber such as whole grains, beans, lentils, and vegetables is beneficial. Consuming such foods as oatmeal, whole wheat breads and cereals, oranges, apples, red beans, black eye peas, black beans, pinto beans, lentils, okra, yams and sweet potatoes, berries, peas, Brussels’ sprouts and turnips provides quite a bit of dietary fiber.

‘For prostate cancer, foods high in lycopene are recommended. The best sources are cooked tomato products and watermelon.’

Shadows are great for keeping you company on a lazy Sunday afternoon. And, hey – what else are you going to do with the Saints out of the Super Bowl? Watch the Bears? Not a chance!

Expect a mixed weather bag in the week ahead with chilly temperatures accompanied by clouds, rain and sunshine depending on the day.


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