Signs, ticketing needed to stop speeding, protect neighborhood

Dear Editor,

I would like to submit a response to the front page article “Neighborhood speeders called threat to walkers” dated the week of July 29 – August 4, 2010.

I can completely understand the concern of the these neighbors.  We are victims of the same problem on Lakewood Drive, especially the back section of Lakewood (Heather Street to the end of Lakewood Drive). The neighbors here in this section have been complaining for years about the same problem since South Lakewood Estates was established. We do not just have the dump trucks speeding by local residences, we have contractors that are building houses in that area speeding. We have experienced automobiles and trucks passing up dump trucks on this narrow street. The neighbors have filled out numerous reports with the local patrol officers and have talked endlessly about this problem, but it seems to go nowhere.

When we call the Sheriff ‘s Office and complain, we might get a car back here or one station for a day or two after the called-in complaint-to justify our complaint.  But we do not see any cherry tops flashing.  We think the patrol car is just to present a show.

The neighbors have tried putting their garbage cans in the street to deter the speeders and maybe that could slow them down some.  Yelling and staring does not work either. One neighbor hosed a driver while passing.  One neighbor sold their house and moved to another area of the parish. Some neighbors and myself have lost the family pets.

The Parish Council did approve to post speed signs thanks to Dennis Nuss, but no additional stop signs. Because if you place a stop sign on one cross street you need to place a sign on every cross street on Lakewood Drive.  I have come to a conclusion that the speeders can not read or they suffer from two problems.  (1) They think they are beyond the law or (2) they are cross-eyed (25 miles per hour means 52+). And I cannot begin to complain about the 5-ton limit; that is another issue.

Neighbors are starting another alternative action about our problem on Lakewood Drive.  You just need to call the State Police Office Trooper B in Kenner and tell the state what is happening.  They will direct you to the proper authorities that can assist you – residences in other parishes have gotten this same problem solved.  It’s very sad that we have to resort to this way of thinking, but you have to do what you have to do, before someone gets struck or dies from these actions.

I noticed that the sheriff has cracked down on DWI citations.  You know, if they give out some speeding tickets that can also give a message out and generate some revenue.

Pamela Madere
Luling resident


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