In 1978 Mark and Aleta Harmon helped start the Krewe of Lul, and while they’ve ridden in the pa- rade around 15 times since then, this time they will be rolling through the streets of Luling as the king and queen.
“We were very surprised to be picked for the king and queen,” Aleta said. “It’s amazing that we are still a part of the Krewe of Lul, something we helped to start 47 years ago.”
The couple, who currently reside in Magnolia Ridge, have been married for 50 years and have two children and four grandchildren. Mark has owned Civil Construction Contractors since 1983, while Aleta has worked as an x-ray tech for 20 years.
They say that their fondest memory of the Krewe of Lul parade is building the Popeye float. Aleta enjoys going to the gym and fishing, while Mark’s hobbies include hunting and fishing.

Mark and Aleta will roll on the Krewe of Lul’s royal float, and they have added their own decorations to the float in order to make it special for them. They decided to keep the traditional Mardi Gras theme of purple, green and gold.
The couple will also toss customized drink koozies and cups with their names on them. The traditional scrolls will also be given out.
“It’s very special for us to have our four grandchildren on the float with us watching them have a wonderful time,” Aleta said.
This year’s parade is the 47th anniversary of the Krewe of Lul. Along with the Harmons, this year’s grand marshal, James “Jimmy” Crisham, also helped organize the first parade.
“It has been wonderful to honor many of the parade organizers in the past several years,” Debbie Dufresne Vial, parade organizer, said. “As we approach the 50th year of the Krewe of Lul, recognizing them allows the community to celebrate them as they reign on parade day.”
Saturday’s parade will include 25 floats with 99 total units.