Responding to the continuing demand for lots, the St. Charles Parish Council approved a rezoning request that brings a planned 42-lot residential development in Hahnville closer to construction.
At Monday’s meeting (Feb. 17), the council unanimously approved the move to rezone 34.8 acres for single-family homes or R-1A by JCJR St Charles LLC, a company owned by parish District Attorney Joel Chaisson II. Councilwoman Wendy Benedetto, who is a real estate agent, abstained from the vote, citing personal interests.
To be called River Place Estates, the construction drawings for the development are pending approval by the parish Planning and Zoning Commission.
Architect Joey Murray, representing JCJR, said the approval covers the project’s first phase or 42 lots. Depending on demand, a second phase is planned.
But Murray noted, “There’s a huge demand for lots.”
Plans are to break ground for the subdivision in April or May, he said.
Murray said lot sizes will range from 100 feet wide to an average 119 feet deep.
Last year, the Planning Commission approved the preliminary plat for River Place Estates, which calls for two phases.
The plat shows River Place Drive connecting to River Place Street and River Place Court and ending in a cul-du-sac. This would allow one roadway for the subdivision at River Road.
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