There’s good and bad coming out of Washington

This new administration up in Washington is giving us plenty to talk and write about. Have you noticed how much time the TV networks have devoted to what President Barack Obama is doing up there and around the world?

We thought he was going to tread lightly in the mid-east where the safety of the rest of the world could lie. But he plans to put more troops in Afghanistan and keep his nose into the terroristic affairs going on in Pakistan.

During the campaign, his main message on the international situation was to remove U. S. troops from Iraq and maybe put a few more in Afghanistan with not much mention of Pakistan. Now he wants more military and civilian forces along the border between those two countries and wants to give Pakistan $1.5 billion a year for the next five years for infrastructure improvements, not for nuclear build-up.

He is trying to build bridges with Cuba, where we broke relations after Castro took over during the Cold War. He is also flirting with Muslims, claiming the United State is  not and never will be at war with Islam.

Hopefully his attitude will inspire all countries, and especially those in the mid-east, to maintain their guard against terrorism but relax in other ways their antagonisms and work for a peaceful world despite their differences.

After all, the U. S. A. is still the leader of the free world and, with the evaporation of the communist bloc, that includes just about all of the planet earth.

Our leadership in international relationships requires that our goal be to promote the protection of people’s rights and freedoms. And he seems to be following that path.

We still are disappointed, however, that the President of our country plans to provide money for practices that are against the beliefs of many citizens. We’re referring to taxpayer funding for abortions and stem cell research that is provided by killing human embryos. President Obama has pledged full support for those purposes.

The U. S. Supreme Court has already given women the right to have an abortion and now the President wants the taxpayers to help pay for it. Also, research on stem cells taken from adults which does not involve killing a human life is already proving to be more effective than that provided by killing human embryos.

We know that the Planned Parenthood Association backed Obama in his campaign. But give us a break, Mr. President, and don’t tax the people to finance  programs that go against their morality.

Yes, there is good and bad coming out of this

administration. The President is making the right choice as leader of the free world in helping to stop the threat to human life from terrorists. But he should respect the beliefs of people by not spending their money to kill unborn humans as he proposes to do.


About Allen Lottinger 433 Articles
Publisher Emeritus

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