TEENS: Read why abstinence makes the heart grow fonder

Drawing from her personal story, as well as her visits with teen mothers around the world, Pam Stenzel started the Louisiana Governor’s Program on Abstinence in 2006. Since then she has helped to establish 316 clubs and programs to educate teens about the physical and emotional consequences of sex outside of marriage.

Stenzel travels to schools to tell students about sexually transmitted disease rates and the financial, social and emotional costs of unplanned pregnancy.

“For years, I was on the front lines as a director for the Alpha Women’s Center,” she said.

“My experience taught me that before teen pregnancy and STD rates could decline, attitudes toward sex first had to change.”

The mission of the GPA organization is to reduce out-of-wedlock teen pregnancies and to reduce sexually transmitted diseases among teens.

For more information on starting an abstinence club in your high school, call 225-942-5818.


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