One politician who seems dead set on improving state government has been keeping a high profile, apparently looking at a run for higher office. He is state Treasurer John Kennedy who has been championing the downsizing of state government.
He certainly is right on target since that is one of the state’s primary needs in the months ahead with cuts in the budget necessary to meet expenses. And he is in a position to make his efforts known since he is the treasurer who, presumably, oversees the handling of state money.
Kennedy ran a fairly close race against Sen. Mary Landrieu for her re-election one year ago. Then he stepped off the stage for a while but then assumed a role on the government streamlining commission set up by Gov. Bobby Jindal. To say that he was pleased with the opportunity would probably be an understatement. The commission has issued its report and now it is up to the governor and legislature to judge it and plan just what aspects of it can effectively help balance the budget.
Kennedy seems to have the ability to come up with good ideas for the future of the state. He probably would be an effective governor, putting into action what he preaches.
Of course, Bobby Jindal has repeatedly announced that he is running for re-election. At the present time, it seems that the road is open for him to win.
And Kennedy has said his only intention as of now is to run for re-election as treasurer. But after Jindal serves his second term, it seems that Kennedy would have a good shot at the office.
Our lieutenant governor, Mitch Landrieu, is expected to be elected mayor of New Orleans. That may tie up our second highest elected state official for a while.
So it’s highly possible Louisiana will have a future governor with the same name as one of our most famous presidents – – John Kennedy.
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