A perfect image of the disposition we are called to have toward God is that of a nursing child.
All of the saints, as they grew in deeper mystical union with God in this life, were taking on more and more fully and constantly this disposition of total openness and receptivity to His presence, His love and His grace.
We are clearly encouraged in Isaiah 66:10: “Oh that you may suck fully of the milk of her comfort, that you may nurse with delight at her abundant breasts…for when you see this your hearts will rejoice and your bodies flourish like the grass.”
St. Peter tells us, “Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up to salvation; for you have tasted the kindness of the Lord (1Pet 2:2).
I know I have tasted the kindness of the Lord, and through it I’ve become aware of a deep ache within me for ever-deeper communion and intimacy of life with Him, who is love itself.
Song of Songs tells us, “drink deeply of love” (SS 5:1).
Often in life we can have a tendency to “walk beside ourselves” in the sense that we’re not living from the core of who we really are, and who we’re created to be.
We live life always seeking and floundering for something more that will fulfill us. And, very often we go down pathways that lead us to a dead end.
Why the great promiscuity in our times? Because so many are longing to drink deeply of love, but they don’t really know where the true source is to be found. They are led down dead-end roads through the deceptions of the evil one who is the “prince of this world.”
We were all created with a deep hunger and thirst for love, but may have never been drawn to the true source of its fulfillment; possibly because we’ve seen religion as rigid and puritanical, where there is a dichotomy between the human and the spiritual; thus we’ve never seen how this deep ache could be satisfied.
If we have had this idea of religion and God, we have not been fed the truth. Once again the evil one has had his way with deception.
God is alive and in our midst, and He has “come that [we] may have life to the FULL.” He has come that the deepest aches and longings within us can be satisfied, with a love so deep and profound that we will never be able to contain it all.
May we all have the grace to get in touch with the deep ache we have to be loved and to love. For Jesus, with His Sacred Heart exposed, has come to earth to bring us the Father’s love; and, Mary, with her Immaculate Heart exposed, shows us how we’re called to respond.
“Whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst…[it]will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life” (Jn 4:13).
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