Another major election will be held in St. Charles Parish besides the Presidential election in November. It will be for our next U. S. congressman and an incumbent will not be running.
Since Louisiana lost one of its seven congressmen as a result of the 2010 census, the districts have been rearranged. We will be part of a district extended further west along the coast.
Our present Congressman, Jeff Landry will be a resident of that new district and so will Congressman Charles Boustany who resides in Lafayette.
So we may conclude that two current congressmen will be in the race for one seat in the election. Boustany is currently a member of the Seventh District which will have more voters in the new district than our Third District, which undoubtedly could give him an advantage.
But don’t toss Landry aside. He is a fighter as he has shown in his service to us in the past.
‘Sustainable Development’ threatens our liberty
A special report by the American Policy Center claims that Americans are being awakened these days as “government forces are making their move for total control of our lives.” The term “Sustainable Development” is being used to make the population believe our futures are endangered unless action is taken to preserve civilization as it exists.
The report claims that forces today are calling for “changing the very infrastructure of the nation, away from private ownership and control of property to nothing short of central planning of the entire economy – – often referred to as top-down control. Truly, Sustainable Development is designed to change our way of life.”
Human destruction of the environment is said to be the need for Sustainable Development. Former Vice President Al Gore scared us in his book “Earth in the Balance” claiming that a wrenching transformation must take place to lead our country away from the horrors of the industrial revolution.
True, if such a transformation is needed to save civilization, it must be done but not unless the threat is proven by significant study. And it must not provide other unwanted side effects. Otherwise, that transformation could result in something Karl Marx would have liked for America, such as losing property and voting rights and, in the long run, our freedom and liberty.
We must take care of our environment but we must do it in a way that we are sure it is aimed in the right direction, not in a way that will help alien forces seek other outcomes masked as Sustainable Development.
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