There’s some good news from across the planet. North Korea is no longer pushing nuclear weapons as its citizens were some time ago. They are now stressing improvement to their economy that will make them a better partner in a world and no longer looking for weapons to explode in other countries.
The country celebrated its 70th anniversary Sunday but it was in a very good way. Emphasis was on building up their economy and not in producing weapons that can destroy other countries as they have in the past. The ceremonies still had goose-stepping units in the parades but they concentrated most of their showmanship to build the domestic economy and not to tear down other countries.
Thousands of their citizens performed gymnastics and dances at the150,000 May Day Stadium in Pyongyang which seems to now be a democratic headquarters for their country. They waved brightly colored plastic bouquets in Pyongyang’s Kim Il Sung Square as the parade began.
Senior statesman Kim Yong Nam, the head of North Korea’s parliament, set the relative softer tone for the parade that emphasized the economic goals of the regime, not its nuclear might. He called on the military to be ready to help build the economy.
Our President Trump complimented the North Koreans with these words after the performance – – “This is a big and very positive statement from North Korea. Thank you, Chairman Kim. We will both prove everyone wrong! There is nothing like good dialogue from two people that like each other! Much better than before I took office.”
Sounds like our president may be able to help us convert our world into a more peaceful one in the future.
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