On Saturday, Jan. 25, the St. Charles Parish Library will host its first volunteer fair in partnership with the United Way of St. Charles, according to Lauren Campo Pitz, assistant director of the St. Charles Parish Library.
The event will last from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the East Regional Library in Destrehan.
“We’re hoping to help match up community members who want to volunteer with organizations in our area who rely on volunteers,” Pitz said. “We got a great response from organizations in the community, so we’re hoping for a good turnout.”
Pitz said 21 organizations are scheduled to attend the event, including Destrehan Plantation, Girls on the Run, Arc of St. Charles, Child Advocacy Services, Lafon Arts Center, and others.
“We have so many organizations participating that we couldn’t fit all of the groups in the meeting room,” she said. “The representatives will be sitting at tables in our meeting room and in the main part of the library.”
She said the library is expecting about 100 attendees.
“But as long as connections are being made, we will be happy with any turn out– especially with the week of crazy weather leading up to it,” she said.
Maria Bilello, the adult programming and outreach librarian for St. Charles Parish Public Library, said the fair will allow teens and adults to meet directly with representatives from the volunteer organizations and ask them questions.
“The organizations who are coming are very different in what they do,” she said. “But they all make such an impact in St. Charles Parish and to the people who live here. They can execute all the great work they do because of the efforts of volunteers who believe in and connect with their mission.”
Bilello said the inspiration for the volunteer fair came about after the library staff noticed more people asking about giving back.
“Because of all of our partnerships with other organizations in the community, we decided this showcase would be the most effective option,” she said. “The library is the perfect environment to host an event like this, because public libraries serve as spaces for everyone to meet and where people come together.”
Pitz said many people want to help others but have trouble taking that first step.
“Sometimes you don’t even know what the first step is to find a place to volunteer,” she said. “Where should you start? What sort of organizations are out there? The volunteer fair is a way to make that first, sometimes scary step, a little easier.”
Bilello said she hopes the fair will empower individuals to be active and informed citizens.
“When we take action to benefit someone other than ourselves, we become part of what shapes the community around us,” she said.