Despite cold front, duck hunters struggle in Salvador

Despite a cold front that moved through the area last week, duck hunters in the Lake Salvador Management Area still struggled to find birds.

“We hunted the northern end of the management area and didn’t kill a bird,” Clint Ockman said. “Last week we had a strong cold front and I thought we would have had a few ducks pushed down into the area. The only thing we killed was mosquitoes.”

Boogie Termine and Kevin Chaisson had similar problems.“We only killed time,” Chaisson said. “This was a zero for the day.”

Chris Barrett hunted the Lake Salvador area Saturday  and said he saw five ducks all morning. In fact, the action got so slow that he started fishing.

“I caught one nice catfish for dinner,” he said.Barrett did better last Wednesday when the weather was colder.

“I killed gray ducks, teal and spoonbills. I managed to limit out,” he said.

Despite the warmer weather over the weekend, some hunters did have a little success. Brian Saltzman and William Dufrene managed to bag a teal, spoonbill and one lonesome gallinule.

Others are optimistic that hunting in Salvador will improve.“We had the whole area to ourselves. At daybreak, we had pintails, teal, grays and spoonbills buzz our decoys,” Larry Stephen said. “If we could shoot we could have had a great morning. Instead, we only killed a gray duck and a spoonbill. I’m surprised the coots and poule d’ eau haven’t come down. We did not see any. There’s always next weekend.”


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