Jesus: “I walked on earth for you.”

Editor’s note: The following is the May message from Jesus to Anne, A Lay Apostle. Anne, who is considered genuine by Archbishop Hannon and others in the Church, has been receiving monthly messages from Jesus since December of 2004. He has told her these messages are to prepare his followers for his return.

May 1, 2006 – My friends in the world know suffering. This will not change and it has always been this way. What separates My friends from those who walk without Me is the grace that accompanies My followers. If a soul is willing to accept heavenly grace, that soul’s suffering is changed. Crosses carried in union with heaven benefit both the individual soul and the world.

When viewed this way, which is the true way, souls understand that suffering is not a bad thing, but a valuable thing to be exploited for heaven.

Do not think that your Jesus misunderstands the difficulty associated with suffering. Always consider the suffering I accepted in the world, on the cross in My final hours of course, but also throughout My life. I did not spend My time on earth in comfort and leisure. I worked hard each day and often did without things that souls today take for granted.

Consider My life on earth in its entirety. Dearest apostle, My friend, I lived as quietly as possible. I prayed for you every day. I offered comfort and assistance to others in pain or in need. I committed Myself to My duty each day and never deviated from My responsibilities.

I did this because I knew that you would benefit from a model to follow. You see, I spent each day on earth aware of your life. When I was tempted to become disheartened, I thought of you, struggling, and I disciplined Myself to be brave and hopeful. I offered My struggles to God the Father and asked that in return, He grant you graces of courage and hope. I did not waste any time on earth, My beloved.

Please think often of My life on earth and understand that I thought of you on each day and set an example for you on each day. If you remember this, that I walked the earth for you, you will understand that you walk on earth with Me, Someone who understands your every fear, your every temptation. Be at peace. Let us walk together. Time cannot separate an apostle from His Saviour. Again and always I assure you, I am with you.


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