St. Charles Hospital is serving us well

We are blessed in St. Charles Parish with a hospital that has provided the type of services that were mainly needed in the past and is keeping up with the times in this day of modern medicine.

A new three-story addition to the facility on Paul Maillard Road is scheduled to open next month that will provide advanced cardiology facilities and expanded dialysis services. As the field of medicine progresses, St. Charles Hospital will be up to date in two important fields that can help protect lives.

In the beginning, the people of our parish had been dependent upon hospitals in nearby parishes to provide many of the services our parishioners needed. The main services in our own hospital were focused on emergency services that were needed on short notice. The fact that St. Charles has many large plants where accidents could occur made that necessary. Services that were not needed on the spur of the moment were not considered as important in providing health care.

The medical profession has changed, however, and now it is easier for a small hospital to provide  a wider range of treatments. In that respect, St. Charles Hospital has grown in recent years.

The staff of the hospital and our medical profession in general is to be applauded for promoting the advancement of our hospital into a facility that can provide our people with a wider range of up to date health care services. They are keeping up with the times and our needs.


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