Sales tax proposal should not be abandoned

Gov. Bobby Jindal’s efforts to get the state income tax transformed to a state sales tax seems to have gone astray somewhat. Many objections have been raised to the possibilities that the poor would suffer and the rich would prosper.

But the purpose of the change is not to reverse the beneficiaries of government largess. It is to make taxation easier to pay and to collect.

Let’s face it, many people in the state of Louisiana and the United States of America do not pay what they are supposed to as citizens under the income tax system. And catching them in the act is quite difficult considering the complications of the present system.

The sales tax plan would make it simpler to pay and examine the receipts. It would result in getting a closer amount of money due from taxpayers. It would also cut down a lot on taxpayers ignoring the laws and interpreting it themselves for their own advantage.

The sales tax proposal can be structured to make it fair to the people and benefit the low income population. And it could save us so much torture in preparing our income taxes.

Jindal’s plans need to go under the microscope and be amended if needed to make it serve the purpose better. But it should not be abandoned.

In fact, imagine how pleasant it would be in April each year if we did not have to fight with so many figures as we let the government know how much we think we owe.


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