Governor, legislature on the right track

Gov. Bobby Jindal deserves accolades for his initial efforts to reform the state. He got most of what he wanted in putting ethics ahead of everything else in government.

Some people criticized him for calling a special session for that purpose when it could have been accomplished in the regular session. But by putting it first on the agenda of his new administration, he emphasized its importance and got the legislature and  people behind him.

We also praise our senator, Joel Chaisson II, who helped pave the way for ethics reform. His leadership as president of the senate played an important part in its passage.

Now the administration and legislature can go ahead with other matters of importance such as wisely spending surplus money in the state treasury, education, health care and building the economy of the state. It is a pretty heavy agenda.

The way we are going, our state will take on a new look in the future. It will not be the “same ol, same ol” that other state politicians have tolerated.

Though it does not show it, our state is rich indeed. We have the most productive fisheries in the country, an oil industry that boosts the economy of the nation and port facilities that enhance international trade.

With the right leadership in the governor’s mansion and state legislature, we can turn our state into one of the most prosperous in the country. And it appears we are on the right track.


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