First 100 days going well

The ink is barely dry on some newly appointed parish administrative employees’ contracts and yet they seem to be leaving their posts. What’s going on?

The departure of Lorrie Toups, finance director left many people wondering and some lingering questions.  Toups took a position with Jefferson Parish and a sizeable pay cut.

Now with the newest parish employees’ departure, the rumor mill is swirling.  The residents who elected the new parish administration may  be wondering what will happen next. But despite innuendos, erroneous information and misleading, sometimes speculative events like the goings and comings of key employees, residents should stand by the votes they cast and support their public officials. Here are some of the highlights from St. Pierre’s first 100 days in office.

The recreation department has gotten off to a great start. The fields and facilities are getting back into shape thanks to efforts from our hardworking field crews. We’ve also made strides in teams’ organization by making sure competition is fair. The public works, drainage and wastewater crews are doing a great job of fixing infrastructure problems permanently instead of simply putting bandages on them.

The waterworks department recently won an award for having the best tasting water in the state. We’ve now reduced our unbilled water production to a mere 10 percent. The Emergency Operations Center is the best in the state. The parish is training all parish personnel in the roles they will be playing during a storm event. We’ve hired a firm to evaluate the parish’s pay policies. The parish has also implemented a new take-home vehicle policy to curb unnecessary use of parish-owned cars and trucks.

The parish is  still working diligently with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and DNR to get a permit for the West Bank Hurricane Protection Levee. Grants have been applied for to install sheet pilings above Bayou Des Allemands. This will offer storm surge protection for residents.

If the newly appointed administration has accomplished this much in their first hundred days in office, then the next four years should be something to anticipate with relish.


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