Your favorite pizza topping reveals the hidden you

The toppings you order up for your pizza reveal your personality with pinpoint accuracy, says a psychologist. Your choices of pepperoni, anchovies, green peppers and other favorites are driven not only by taste, but also by deep-seated subconscious desires.

Here, for Herald-Guide readers exclusively, is psychologist Dr. Mary Morell’s rundown of pizza toppings and personality traits. The expert maintains a private practice in Miami, Florida, and also has written two books, including You Are What You Do – Psychology Made Simple.

Remember: If you like multiple toppings on your pie, the item you choose first will come closest to revealing the real you. Secondary choices will still apply, but to a lesser degree.

Mushrooms. Laid back and eager to please, you are a classic “sweetie” who tends to place the needs of others above your own. People are tempted to take advantage of you, and often, they do.

You are bright, and your feelings run deep – although only your closest friends know this because you keep so many things to yourself.

It’s possible that you fantasize about being powerful – but wouldn’t dare tell a soul.

Sausage. You are a true-blue friend and and fun to be around but woe to the friend who entrusts you with secrets – because sooner or later, you’re going to “leak” them.

That’s because you’re outgoing and chatter a little more than you should.

Fortunately, in the final anaylsis, you’re always forgiven … because people like you so much.

Sausage lovers may struggle with making a “love commitment,” although males struggle more than females.

Pepperoni. Loyal to a fault, intelligent and insightful, you were born to lead – and succeed.

But reaching your goals is by no means assured because without a laser-like focus and iron discipline, you tend to get distracted and start new projects before you finish old ones.

Pepperoni lovers like you are the best friends a person can have – and the worst enemies.

Burning the candle on both ends isn’t an occasional thing for you – it’s par for the course.

Onion. There’s a fine line between being a genius or a fruitcake and onion lovers walk that line every day.

For those who overcome the tendency to daydream or “twist perceptions to their liking,” success in any endeavor is assured.

Witty and opinionated, you find it easy to express yourself, and people admire your ability to entertain with words.

Sometimes sociable, sometimes a loner, you march to the beat of your own drummer.

Extra cheese. Your lust for life is legendary, and you enjoy it to the fullest.

Happy-go-lucky describes you – as does free-wheeling and, as you yourself might say, “a little crazy.”

What people don’t realize is how thoughtful and sensitive you are beneath the bravado. Your heart is big, and your feelings run deep.

The pursuit of money and status-symbol possessions may dominate if you aren’t careful.

Green peppers. Your sense of humor is your greatest asset even though it runs toward quirkiness that delights friends but may confuse or startle people you don’t know well.

Reliability is a key trait – as is your independent spirit and a real (but often undeveloped) flair for the arts.

You see things “ordinary” people overlook, which can get you in trouble because you can be passionate and opinionated when expressing ideas or feelings that are too sophisticated for the company you keep.

Anchovies. You’re a trailblazer who isn’t afraid to go it alone, even into situations that are novel or risky.

Acquaintances and even some casual friends might describe you as “a loner” or “weird” and even you would admit that you’re happiest when you deal with people on your own terms and when you feel like it.

Your IQ is almost certainly very high – or very low. Logical and not afraid to speak the truth, anchovy lovers make good lawyers.


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