Ten minutes to feeling good Everyday

As the days begin to grow shorter and shorter, it’s likely you’re finding your to-do list has reached a length of world-record length proportions. With so much on your plate, it is easy to forget to take care of yourself.

Leslie Bonci, MPH, RD of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, recommends you take at least 10 minutes each morning and dedicate them to doing something good for yourself. She’s developed several simple and easy tips that can boost your mood and productivity before even stepping out the door.

“Ten minutes may not seem like it will make a difference, but it’s plenty of time to get your day started off right,” says Bonci. “It’s important to remember that living a healthy lifestyle is a life-long commitment – that doesn’t necessarily need to take a lot of your valuable time.”

Confidence is Key: Say to yourself out loud “I can and I will take care of myself today.”

Movers and Shakers: Whether it’s a walk on your favorite nature trail or your favorite step aerobics class, even 10 minutes of exercise can pump your heart and muscles and get you revved up for the day. Can’t make it to the gym? Then spend a few minutes each morning stretching to help make your body more flexible.

Gut Check: If your gut feels good, then you feel good, so incorporate probiotics into your daily diet. Probiotics are live cultures that exist naturally in the digestive system and are helpful for maintaining digestive health. For an easy snack, grab a Liveactive Chewy Granola Bar. They are the first nationally available non-refrigerated snack bars that contain a live probiotic culture and fiber (and 3 to 4.5 grams of fat per serving depending on the flavor of bar) — throw one into your bag to help promote the health of your digestive system, anytime, anywhere!

Drink Up: A large glass of water is one of the best (and easiest!) ways to give your body the fluid it needs.

Add a Splash of Color: Eat or drink something that contains color – a piece of fruit or glass of vegetable juice.

Breath of Fresh Air: Fresh air cleans our lungs. Many adults spend at least eight hours inside of the buildings where they work. Leave your car in the garage and walk to the bus or train. This will ensure you’re breathing in fresh air for at least a few minutes each day.

For more tips about healthy living, visit www.LiveActivefoods.com.


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