Dear Santa, St. Charles students share their letters to St. Nick

Thirty students from Ethel Shoeffner Elementary, Luling Elementary, Norco Primary and New Sarpy Elementary shared their letters to Santa with the Herald-Guide for our Christmas issue.

We thank all of those who participated and hope their Christmas wishes come true!

Dear Santa,

Would you like to spend the day with me? I would love to do that with you. For Christmas, I would just like for everyone to have a great time. What do you do for Christmas? My other question is how many elves do you have? Can you see if Jack Frost is on the bad list? I like that you are always loyal to me. I will always love you.P.S. Hope you like the cookies I left.

Jaleia Powell
3rd grade, Ethel Schoeffner Elementary

Dear Santa,

At the mall there was a Santa. He had two of your reindeers. Did you give him permission to take two of your reindeers? Is that Santa fake or is it really you? Well, my mom said that Santa is fake and it goes to the North Pole to respond to you. My Elf on the Shelf like to hang. His name is Robie. I was thinking about Robie. He is going to bring my Santa list to you and see what you can bring me. I really hope you can have a really nice Christmas. Merry Christmas Santa.

David Mendieta
3rd grade, Ethel Schoeffner Elementary

Dear Santa,

I want a bike. I want a flower. I want a purple and yellow stickers.

Lia Rebaldo
Kindergarten, New Sarpy Elementary

Dear Santa,

Please give me a Wii U. Please Santa please can you give me the Wii U. I am going to be extremely good. I deserve it everybody makes mistakes. So please give me that. I also want a $998 huge TV. If you give me that humungous TV I will be so so so so so so good. You can put it in your sack.

Landon Champagne
1st grade, Luling Elementary

Dear Santa,

If I have a horse for Christmas I can ride it. I have no space at my house but I could put my horse at my uncles farm. He has a horse farm. I will ride it on the hill or the levee. If I get a horse for Christmas I will do anything for you Santa Claus. I will be good all week. I love you Santa Claus.

Haven Troxler
1st grade, Luling Elementary

Dear Santa Claus,

I’m a good girl and I was thinking that I don’t want anything for Christmas. I would like the children at the orphanage to have a great Christmas. So I was thinking with my sixty dollars I got for my birthday I am going to buy toys for these children. Do you like my idea? I hope you write back.

Kailyn O’Regan
3rd grade, Ethel Schoeffner Elementary

Dear Santa Claus,

Let me tell you what I want for Christmas. I want an iPad that you can touch with a pen and I also want an American doll. Next I want a gold fish and I really don’t want anything else. All I want is my mom to be happy and my whole family to be happy. So have a great Christmas. Ja’Kya Sanchez3rd grade, Ethel Schoeffner Elementary Dear Santa,For Christmas I want an iPod touch and for my sister a Barbie doll. I have some questions to ask you. How many elves do you have working for you? What is your favorite thing about Christmas? What would you like for Christmas? That’s all my questions, but for your information Jingle, my elf on the shelf, is at my house. Also for Christmas give my dad something special like a Corvette. Write back soon! Ashley Quintero3rd grade, Ethel Schoeffner Elementary Dear Santa,I want a 3DS because you get to play games and there is something else I want, a iPad. Please can I have this stuff?

Trace Brashier

Kindergarten, Norco Primary

Dear Santa,

My name is Nadia. I like to read. Please bring me books. I like dogs. Please bring me a dog.

Nadia Eiler
Kindergarten, New Sarpy Elementary

Dear Santa,

What I want for Christmas is a Lalaloopsy doll because for this whole year I have been waiting for that all year. I want whatever presents you want to give me, but I really want that Lalaloopsy doll. Wow, I never had one or bought one before.

Yaniris Medina
3rd grade, Luling Elementary

Dear Santa Claus,

How do you get those presents to people all over the world on time? Does magic exist? Santa, do you ever get presents? I think I am good so this is what I want for Christmas. Can I have a guinea pig and I want to watch Kung Fu Panda. Hope you have a good day! Grace Ayton3rd grade, Ethel Schoeffner Elementary Dear Santa,My name is Olivia. I want a Kindle. I want a Barbie Doll. I Want a Pop.

Olivia Farrell
Kindergarten, New Sarpy Elementary

Dear Santa,

Santa you are the best. We love you good Santa. Santa we love you. I want a bike.
Darius Herbert
Kindergarten, New Sarpy Elementary

Dear Santa,

I love you so much! I have been good because I helped my dad put up the Christmas tree, and the decorations too. And I have been nice by helping my mom fix dinner. I love Christmas because you can get presents. I love you.

Delaney Magee
1st grade, Luling Elementary

Dear Santa,

I wonder what you are doing in the North Pole? I also wonder what kind of toys you are making. I love all your Christmas songs like We Wish You a Merry Christmas, Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer and Jingle Bells. My favorite Christmas song is Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. I wonder what your favorite Christmas song is? For Christmas I want a remote controlled adventure truck, an ipad and a Hot Wheels splash track. I hope you write back and I wish you a Merry Christmas.

A.J. Martin
3rd grade, Ethel Schoeffner Elementary

Dear Santa,

I would like to tell you something. I love you. You give me presents and you take pictures with me. I love your presents. All I want for Christmas is a girls pink four wheeler. I think you are so sweet to me. You know why I am writing this, because I Love you so much.
Zalaya Strickland1st grade, Luling Elementary Dear Santa,I want a new football for Christmas so I can play with it! I want a new playstation game! Preston BrownKindergarten, Norco Primary Dear Santa,The first thing I would love is a pair of two ear plugs because my brother is super annoying. The second thing I need is a force field because I don’t want my mom to wake me up during my peaceful and happy times. I would also love long lasting weekends. I also would absolutely love to win the lottery so I can be like Derek Jeter. I would be super jolly if you bought me Yankee Stadium. One more thing would be an electric guitar for entertainment. Well, I guess I’ll stop annoying you for now.

Cristian Ricks
3rd grade, Ethel Schoeffner Elementary

Dear Santa,

I want Twinkle Toes because it lights up and I want it for Christmas.

Layla Worley
Kindergarten, Norco Primary

Dear Santa,

Are you feeling good Santa? Yes or no? I have been good. I wonder if you are feeling good. I want a Minnie Mouse blanket. I want a Minnie Mouse tent.

McKenze Stout
Kindergarten, New Sarpy Elementary

Dear Santa,

I want a guitar for Christmas because I am good and I put punctuation in my sentences. My teachers have not had to fuss me. I deserve a guitar. I deserve an iPad too. But sometimes I make mistakes. I will learn how to play the guitar. I need an iPad so I can text Amelia, my mommy, and my baby brother when I am lost. I deserve it because my mom does not have to fuss at me very much. I help my mommy very much at home. I help my mommy make food and do the chores.

Anneliese Harvey
1st grade, Luling Elementary

Dear Santa,

You are a good man. I love Santa. Thank you for my toys last year. I want a DS this year. It is 3D.

Alex Mills Kindergarten, New Sarpy Elementary

Dear Santa,

You are great! For Christmas I wanted to go to the North Pole with you! So when you come bring me with you! I want to go because I want to see what it’s like! See you on Christmas night!

Raegan Harrold
3rd grade, Luling Elementary

Dear Santa,

Jingles! Jingles! All of the bells are ringing! Can you tell me what you are doing for Christmas this year? Well I think Christmas is the time of year where everyone gets to spend time with their family. Christmas, Christmas, CHRISTMAS!! I can’t wait until Christmas! Going to the North Pole sounds like fun! Everyone always has the Christmas spirit! When it’s Christmas time I’ll be waiting for you to finish your cookies! For Christmas I want a…BARBIE DREAMHOUSE! Well that’s all I have to say! Bye!

Masira Nizamuddia
3rd grade, Ethel Schoeffner Elementary


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