Bullying prevention program begins at St. Rose Elementary School

All schools deal with the issue of bullying. St. Rose Elementary School is taking proactive steps to prevent and stop bullying by adopting the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program.

This research-based schoolwide “systems-change” program has been used successfully in schools in the country and around the world.

The program is a coordinated effort by adults in the school to supervise and intervene when any bullying happens.

As part of the program, students participate in weekly class meetings to learn about the effects of bullying, what they can do about it, and how they can work with adults at school to put a stop to it even as bystanders.

Parents also will meet so they can support the messages students are getting in school.

Lisa Perrin, St. Rose Elementary School’s principal, said, “This type of program is about changing the whole school climate to make it a safer, more positive place to learn.  One change that many schools have noticed after using this program for a year or two is that students actually like school better.  It makes sense.”

Implementing the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program is a long-term commitment to making St. Rose Elementary School a safer, more positive place to be.

For more information about the program and/or ways to become involved, contact Lisa Perrin, St. Rose Elementary School Principal, or Judy Rongey, Olweus Bullying Prevention Program coordinator.


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