Reviewed by Luke Moore
A Christmas Carol is commonly known for its movie counterpart, which is a classic Christmas movie. The original story, by Charles Dickens, has a quite similar plot. In this story, Ebenezer Scrooge, a wealthy and mean old man, lives in London during the 19th century.
It is a truly heartwarming story of redemption.
Ebenezer Scrooge is a greedy businessman who focuses only on making money. The story takes place on Christmas Eve, with Scrooge mistreating his employee and his family. Scrooge is a pitiful old man who needs to change his evil ways before it’s too late. His chance for repentance comes in a series of scary, paranormal occurrences.
A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens, was a very enjoyable novel to read. It was written a long time ago, which causes some small problems when reading. However, if you are mature enough to read the book, you definitely should.
Luke Moore was a sophomore in the Gifted program at Hahnville High. He enjoys swimming, playing soccer, and reading.
Editor’s note: Book reviews are published throughout the summer and fall in agreement with Hahnville High School gifted English teacher Deborah Unger in conjunction with the Brown Foundation Service Learning Program and Unger’s “Adolescents Advocate Literacy” Brown Service Learning Grant.
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