Canadian singer/songwriter and Catholic missionary Mark Mallett, who will be performing at the Father Cote Center in Ama on Thursday, March 23, has been making waves once again. Mallett has received 3 national awards and multiple nominations to date for his recordings. Many may recognize his powerful devotional album entitled “Through Her Eyes: A Journey to Jesus”, released at the same time as Mel Gibson’s blockbuster “Passion of the Christ”. “Through Her Eyes” has already outsold Mallett’s first two albums combined, with orders streaming in from all over the world.
Mark Mallett is a dynamic entertainer with a powerful message and music to both soothe and invigorate the soul. He tours extensively throughout North America, performing all his own material and keeping the audience on their toes with his rich melodies, compelling message, wacky sense of humor and keen wit.
The concert begins at 7:00 pm and is free and open to the public.
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