Will Larry Flynt set the agenda for Louisiana?

By Dorinda C. Bordlee

Senator David Vitter recognizes that what he did years ago was a sin against his family and against God. Larry Flynt fails to recognize that his full-time business of exploiting women for profit is a sin at all. So who is the hypocrite?

It’s time to take a look at the big picture, and to ask whether we are going to allow Larry Flynt to set the social agenda for Louisiana, and for America? It’s time to look past the media frenzy and the political posturing to face the question of whether Louisiana is going to be represented only by people that meet with Larry Flynt’s approval?

Flynt has openly admitted that he is targeting officials who promote conservative social policies — officials who stand against the violence of abortion, and who recognize that marriage is between one man and one woman. He says that his mission is to expose “hypocrites.” Hypocrisy is the homage vice pays to virtue. In Larry Flynt’s America, there will be no hypocrisy because there will be no virtue.

I cannot defend Senator Vitter’s actions of the past, but I commend him for recognizing that what he did was sinful and for seeking forgiveness from God, his family and his constituents. I, like so many Louisianans who worked for his election to the U.S. Senate, am pained for his family who must deal with the public exposure of a time of David’s life that they resolved years ago. But the fact remains that David Vitter has consistently advocated for unborn children since I began collaborating with him in the mid-90s when he was a Louisiana State Representative.

It is my hope that Senator Vitter remains in office so that he can continue to fight against the culture of death. It is my hope that the admitted sins of one man does not open the door to having Larry Flynt’s vision of Louisiana, and America, win the day.

Because many of you have asked me how to contact Senator Vitter, I have set up an email account for you to send a message. While I have received much feedback in support of Senator Vitter, I respect that some may disagree with my position. Please be assured that I will deliver all messages sent to the following email address to Senator Vitter.

Send your message to StopLarryFlynt@aol.com

(Dorinda C. Bordlee is a Louisiana attorney who has dedicated her law practice to sanctity of life issues since 1994. Although she writes this in her personal capacity, she is Executive Director and Senior Counsel of Bioethics Defense Fund, a national pro-life policy organization, www.BDFund.org.)


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