Trustworthiness is a key to success

By “Deacon G”

One of the most valuable keys to success in the business world is trustworthiness.

Think about it. If you own a company that requires everyone to be cost conscious in order for the company to be able to support its staff and still make a profit, do you want employees who are stealing time by playing games on the internet during working hours? Or do you want the employee who makes suggestions as to how to improve productivity by limiting computer access to sites that are only business related? What about employees who are “shopping” for their kid’s school supplies in the company supply room? Wouldn’t you prefer the employee who recommends a requisition system for supplies that must be given to a storekeeper who maintains inventory control?

So what sets apart those we trust from those we don’t?Typically it starts with attitude. That might surprise some of us. We might be inclined to believe that the smartest or highest paid person might be the most trustworthy, but often that is not the case. Quite often it is the person who shows up on time, does their work without taking a lot of unscheduled breaks, who appreciates their job and their boss, and who generally does more than is required by their position without seeking out special recognition or extra compensation.

It is not unusual for this to be a secretary or a mid-level manager who was promoted because someone liked these qualities in them.

Some secretaries make themselves almost irreplaceable because over time they have continued to be entrusted with “the keys to the company” both literally and figuratively.

They know who the boss trusts, the inner workings of the company, the boss’ strengths and weaknesses, and some even shop for the head honcho’s presents for his wife! The CEO knows that he can confide in the secretary without that information going any farther.

The mid-level manager who was promoted because of her trustworthiness will continue to move up the ladder. More and more will be entrusted to her. “Much will be required of the person entrusted with much, and still more will be demanded of the person entrusted with more.” (Lk 12:48) With that comes more responsibility, which translates into the opportunity for continued advancement.

Each of us has a desire for success. The same trusting trait that makes us successful at work translates to our success outside of work. People are drawn to others with whom they can share their inmost thoughts without fear that they will be used against them in the future. They feel comfortable giving the keys to their house to these same people, in spite of the fact they might not do this with another family member.

If we desire this characteristic in others, isn’t it logical others would want to see it in us? And if so, doesn’t it follow that we would experience the same type of success by proving to others that we can be trustworthy? It’s never too late to develop this trait.

So let’s adopt an attitude of care for the thoughts and assets of others, develop a reputation for being trustworthy and reap the rewards of success!


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